occupational therapist or massage therapist

Do I Want to See a Massage Therapist or an Occupational Therapist?

We’re so proud to be able to offer a number of ways to serve our clients and patients here at One River. But, okay, you’ve got some specific things going on in your body, you’re looking for a session tailored to your needs, and you’d like to know: Which staff member should you make an appointment with? We’re hoping this nifty graphic will help answer that question:

occupational therapist or massage therapist

You can find out more about each of our team members here:

Megan Belanger, LMT, CLT, BCTMB
Jaclyn Bedard


And of course if you have specific questions, contact us! We’re at info@onerivermassage.com or call or text us at 508.986.8601.