Boston Lymphatic Patient Symposium 2022 Takeaways

It was such a pleasure, as always, to attend the Boston Lymphatic Patient Symposium. This year at was at beautiful Salve Regina University in Newport, RI.

We always learn so much and get to meet and catch up with so many folks that are part of this community. Here are two of our favorite takeaways to share:

Lymphatic yoga! 

Barbara (Babz) Jackson is an OT/CLT at Brigham & Women’s Faulkner as well as a yoga instructor. She has free YouTube videos for the lymphatic yoga programs she has devised on her channel and offers Zoom classes as well as personalized programs. It was wonderful to be reminded of the power and importance of deep, diaphragmatic breathing to help stimulate lymph flow, as well as a nudge to follow up more with our patients about self-MLD. Even just doing the work on the abdomen, neck, and chest to clear these areas of the body (bonus points if you take a moment to stimulate the nodes in your armpits and groin!) can help give the lymphatic system a little kick and get things moving a little better.



Her website:


Some little tidbits/tips and tricks from the Jobst company:

  • Sometimes a garment technically fits but isn’t donned properly. Use donning gloves to work out the wrinkles and gathers, or to help you bring the top of the garment up to where it needs to be. You can use garden gloves that you’d get at any hardware store. Some patients say they like to use Playtex cleaning gloves.

  • Take your time putting your garment on. Think of it as a medical device rather than a piece of clothing, and take the extra few moments to adjust it so it’s fitting well and it’s comfortable.
  • If your garment starts looking warped or wiggly at the top, the band has been overstretched (and it’s probably time for a new garment).

  • “It Stays” adhesive is a key component for successful wear for many. You roll it on your skin (not the garment) and it can help keep those silicone bands in place easily.

We can’t wait until the next symposium in 2023!